Crochet Bathing Suit Care( Tips & Tricks)

Nothing says cute and sexy with a bit of boho glam like a crocheted bathing suit. Whether you made the swimwear yourself or bought it at a chic boutique, you can’t get away with just tossing it in the washer.

Give it a little TLC and you’ll be looking hot in your chochet bikini or one-piece all summer long.


Try to determine what kind of fiber the swimwear is made of. Most crocheted bathing suits are made from cotton thread, which washes well but could shrink in very hot water.

Look for a label in a store-bought bathing suit. If your bikini is handmade, call on the expertise of the women who hang out at the local yarn store for help in identifying the material.

If your swim suit is crocheted from wool, silk or rayon, you’ll need to take it to the dry cleaners.

General Care

The lacy crochet can be modest or daring, but to keep iti looking sharp you’ll want to give it the proper care.

Always rinse your swimwear after wearing. That doesn’t mean just jumping in the poolside shower.

Take it off and give it a good rinse in a sink full of cool water. This removes salt and chlorine that can stain or damage fibers.

Lay the swim suit flat to dry, since hanging it on the line can stretch it out of shape. Try to avoid getting suntan lotion or oil on the fabric as it can stain the cotton.

If you do end up with a stain, treat it right away with a laundry stain remover.


Cotton crocheted bikinis require handwashing in cool water with a mild detergent.

Choose a liquid detergent made for handwashing. You can use baby shampoo, too, but avoid dish detergent, which often contains grease fighters or enzymes that can fade bright colors in the garment.

Support the swimwear as you transfer it from the wash water to a basin of cool water for rinsing. Letting the water-soaked suit dangle by one end could result in stretched or even torn fibers.

Roll the garment in a towel to remove as much water as possible and dry flat.

Other Considerations

While some crocheted swim suits will stand up to regular swimming, most are designed to look good while you’re sunning on the beach or relaxing by the pool.

If you want to swim laps or compete in a triathlon, switch to a more practical suit.

Save this one for cruising the beach with a pair of cool shades and a smile, knowing you look hot in your crocheted suit.



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